【同义词辨析】 2019-01-09 喜悦transport-entrance

transport: implies the fact of being moved by an emotion, as delight or rage, that exceeds ordinary limits and agitates or excites: children ~ed with delight at the thought of Christmas.   (rage暴怒,愤怒到失控程度so angry that one loses self-control,如screaming with rage愤怒吼叫,但没有找到transport是由于愤怒的例子,其它字典中该词只表示由于喜悦)

ravish: can imply a seizure by emotion and especially by joy or delight: ~ed by the sight of tropical sunset.   seizure是seize的名词,表示夺取占领疾病发作,如the court ordered the seizure of his assets法庭下令没收其财产,the army's seizure of power军队权,seize的意思是突然用力抓住sudden and forcible effort to get hold of, 如seized the crook as he tried to escape他突然用力抓住钩子想要逃跑) 喜悦程度joy>delight>pleasure

enrapture: implies a putting into a state of rapture and usually suggests an intense, even ecstatic, delight, often in one of the arts: young girls ~d with the ballet before them; but sometimes it stresses the bemusing aspects of rapture and then suggests a bedazzling or suppressing of the powers of clear thinking: a campaign that failed to ~ voters.  rapture强烈的喜悦幸福implies intense bliss and utter delight,程度比delight强,如in speechless rapture during the entire wedding整个婚礼中都沉浸在说不出的喜悦中)  (bemuse既迷惑又好笑=confused+amused,如he was bemused by all the attention he was receiving他因为自己受到关注,感到既迷惑又可笑)  (bedazzle:1. 使人目眩眼花潦乱, 2.使人迷惑糊涂,这里是2)

entrance: usually suggests being held as spellbound as if in a trance by something that awakens an overmastering emotion: a naive ingenuousness that ~d them.  spellbind用符咒迷惑,使入迷,全神贯注to fascinate someone, or to hold someone's attention completely, 如The Associated Press praised the show as spectacular as well as being "spellbinding"美联社称赞北京奥运会开幕式壮观并且"令人着迷",又如the children were spellbound by the story孩子们听故事都听得着了迷)  trance恍惚出神implies a state in which one is not aware of what is happening around觉察不到周围事物, 如stared out the window in a trance恍惚地看着窗外)   ingenuous天真诚实,ingenious灵巧聪明,记忆方法,我i聪明,你u天真。

transport喜悦: 好像被喜悦带到另一个地方,异常激动兴奋,ravish喜悦: 表示被喜悦占据,enrapture喜悦: 可以指某种艺术美感使人喜悦,也可表示使人眩目迷惑无法清楚思考,entrance喜悦: 让人强烈的喜悦像着了迷

记忆方法: 1)首字母TREE树<==给人喜悦

         2)喜悦的意思是像被愉快的情感带走mean to carry away by strong and usually pleasurable emotion.